Make Contact
- Submit your CV
- Include an email or phone number
- Briefly outlining what you are interested in & when you’re available
- You can also make contact via social media platforms e.g. LinkedIn InMails
Meet Up
- Organise a face-to-face meeting
- Make a good and lasting impression
- Have a clear idea of roles and companies you are interested in
- Keep yourself in the mind of the recruiter
- Follow-up after the initial meeting
- Check-in with your recruiter once every two weeks
- Opportunity to keep up-to-date on the market
Have Multiple CVs
- Have multiple versions of your CV
- Highlight relevant skills/experience for different roles
- We also offer a free CV preparation service if you need some help
Maintain a Database
- Keep track of recruiters/agencies you have worked with, roles applied for, interviews carried out
- Having a job application history will help you get the most from your recruiter
Using an agency takes much of the legwork out of jobseeking for the candidate and, best of all, it’s free!
Remember: that you won’t be relevant for every role and, so, you won’t be considered for every role.